Julie Ann Croley (UTMB MS4), Kyralessa Ramirez: Cutis marmorata telangiectasia congenita: a case report of a persistent lesion and long-term management.
Julie Croley (UTMB MS4), Amber Gill, Katherine Tinkey (UTMB MS4), Zach Jones, Lindsey Hunter-Ellul, Brent Kelly: Evaluation of Inpatient Dermatologic Consultations: A 3-Year Retrospective Review at a Texas Tertiary Care Center.
KL Gleghorn (UTMB MS3), JM Wilson, WE Tausend, MG Wilkerson: Striking black nail discoloration in a patient with onychomycosis.
Dung Mac (UTMB MS4), Chinelo Ikpeama, Michael Wilkerson, Luan Truong: The diagnosis of Alport syndrome from a punch biopsy of the skin.
Rebecca Philips, Leila Langston, Tanya Trynosky, Alma C. Berlingeri-Ramos: Primary cutaneous adnexal carcinoma versus metastatic carcinoma of unknown primary: A diagnostic challenge.
Julie Croley (MS4) at the podium discussing a case report on cutis marmorata telangiectasia congenita.
Katherine Tinkey (MS4, left) and Julie Croley (MS4, right) presenting their poster titled “Evaluation of inpatient dermatologic consultations: A 3-year retrospective review at a Texas tertiary care center.”
Dung Mac (MS4) presenting his poster titled “The diagnosis of Alport syndrome from a punch biopsy of the skin.”