Congratulations to all of the UTMB medical students, residents, and faculty who helped to make this virtual meeting such a big success:
Ahatov R, Weisert E, Hoyer P, Ross L. Analysis of Representation of Skin of Color in Online Images of Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Armenta D, Winsett F, Wagner RF Jr. Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention of Wound Dehiscence Following Dermatologic Procedures
Hoyer P, Ahatov R, Goodwin B, Wagner RF Jr. An introduction to Mohs micrographic Surgery: An active-learning experience
Winsett FT, Nguyen K, Wilkerson M MD, Raimer SS. A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Tinea Capitis
Good A, Ahatov R, Ross L. An unusual timeline of Nivolumab-induced vitiligo in a patient with melanoma
Hoyer P, Hansen A, Ross L. Spanish proficiency among Texas dermatology residents: a survey study
Monjazeb S. Tran H, Codrea V, Wilson J, Kroger K. Furnucular myiasis and review of extraction methods
Winsett F, Gleghorn K, Linfante A, Croley J, Munoz A, Ruff E, Branski L, Goodwin B, Kelly B, Wagner RF Jr. A case of penile intraepithelial neoplasm involving the penile shaft and scrotum treated by Mohs surgery.
Ahatov R, Harmouch W, Hoyer P, Wilkderson M, Goodwin B. Pemphoid nodularis: an easily overlooked condition
Momin F, Hoyer P, Kelly B. Rituximab-induced serum sickness: a case and review of the literature
Okafor O, Hoyer P, Goodwin B. Segmental neurofibromatosis
Phan M, Good A, Wilson J, Kelly B. Extrafacial granuloma faciale arising on scars
Reisler J. Rachapudi S, Hoyer P, Ross L. Comparison of patient demographics at a student-run free clinic prior to vs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rice X, Good A, Goodwin B. Porokeratotic ostial and dermal duct nevus: a case report
Tran H, Phan M, Hoyer P, Wilson J, Kelly B. An interesting case of blastomycosis-like pyoderma
Uzoma B, Hoyer P, Goodwin B, Kroger K. Violaceous plaques on the left lower extremity: A rare case of Stewart Bluefarb Syndrome
Zipperer K, Ahatov R, Wagner K, Goodwin B, Wilson J. Eruptive juvenile xanthogranuloma